All you need are:
-popsicle sticks
-pretty cut out (dollar store score!)
All you do is glue your pretty images onto your sticks. You might not even need glue if they have adhesive on the back. See? couldn't be easier!
If you really want to add more steps you could paint your sticks or if you have flower images like I do, draw a stem running down the stick, but really, they're just as pretty without.
I read a lot of e-books but it's nice to have something prettier than a receipt to use as a bookmark, on those occasions when I go back to the good old book in my hands.
What will you stick to your popsicle sticks? Try pictures of your kids or magazine images of your goals (or a Ryan Gosling Reading Meme), the sky is the limit.
Happy reading (and crafting)!

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